Self-care is not selfish with Sarah Holloway, founder of Spoonful of Sarah

Sarah Holloway is the founder of Matcha Maiden and Spoonful of Sarah and creator of the Seize The Yay book and podcast. This girl is pun-loving a serial entrepreneur, who is all about living life to the fullest. 

We chatted about the ever elusive concept of balance, and taking care of yourself while growing a business (or three).

Matcha Maiden

How do you balance growing three businesses and taking care of yourself?

Ahh balance! I definitely don't think I'm there just yet and it's an ongoing work in progress! I think we get so stressed about finding this elusive "balance" that we can get distracted from just asking how we're feeling overall both within work and outside of it.

I've definitely had to put some boundaries in place like quarantining weekends better and trying to put some kind of "work hours" into my week rather than just working 24/7 all the time.

Even though I love my work so much and it doesn't feel like work, I've learnt that you still need time away from it to keep fresh, energised and creative so I do make sure to get down time from watching loads of Netflix to getting a massage or getting away to the countryside for a few days... I meditate twice daily and make time to exercise hard a few times a week too.

And of course, having a beautiful golden retriever to walk with my partner, Nic, is a wonderful way to get some balance.

What do you wish you'd known about balance before you started your business?

I think it's such a personal journey that you almost can't teach yourself anything in advance without going through the process. But if I could, I'd tell myself back then that balance is hard work – you can't wait passively for it to get easier to achieve, you have to actually wake up one day and commit to changing your schedule each day to include time for yourself.

You physically have to make lists, use your calendar, get accountability buddies, whatever it takes – it takes over 30 days to change a habit and same goes for finding balance!

What advice to you have for other aspiring entrepreneurs about the elusive work-life balance?

Not to be too hard on yourself and not to pay too much attention to the way others achieve their "balance".

For me, I've had adrenal fatigue so I'm always going to need more rest than the average person. It can sometimes get disheartening that others can do so much more than me and not rest but still feel "balanced", but that's not my journey and you never know what else they're dealing with instead behind the scenes.

The only person's wellbeing you can really focus on is your own – it's way too easy to just do what other people tell you and forget to actually check in with how you feel!

What's your favourite way to practice self-care?

Honestly, one of them is watching mindless trashy Netflix shows – it's my guilty pleasure that I know really works to unwind my brain from the day's work and gets me ready for sleep without a buzzing brain.

It's also something I love to share with Nic when we both put our computers away. I also love a regular massage – I used to think they were so indulgent but now I see it as a regular part of self care allowing me to de-stress quicker than any other activity and stay ready for the busy lifestyle I like to keep :)

I also love long hot baths and walking the dog. And if my brain feels like it, reading terrible crime fiction!

What's the easiest way to practice self-care?

In small ways daily, rather than in big dramatic gestures but only occasionally.

What's your Nay to Yay tip?

If you're not having a good day or you don't feel well, don't be afraid to act that way – the world won't stop without you if you rest!

Your favourite quote of the day? 

Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will :)

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